Members of the International Seismological Centre

Current ISC Member

Lapsed ISC Member

Membership of the ISC is open to any national academy, agency, scientific institution or other non-profit organisation. Any commercial organisation with an interest in the objectives and/or output of the Centre may become an Associate Member. Each member of the ISC is represented on the Governing Council, which is the ruling body of the ISC.

Sort 75 ISC members by:

level of supportcountry joining date

LogoMemberCurrent RepresentativePrevious Representative(s)
The Royal Society, United KingdomProf. John Woodhouse
Since: June 2017
Dr. Chris Browitt
To: June 2017

The National Science Foundation of the United States. (Grant No. EAR-1811737), U.S.A.Prof. Goran Ekstrom
Since: January 2015
Prof. T. Guy Masters
Since: January 2005
To: January 2015
Prof. Adam Dziewonski
To: January 2005

China Earthquake Administration, ChinaAssoc. Prof. Yanru An
Since: January 2020
Prof. Fuqiong Huang
Since: June 2012
To: December 2019
Prof. Qi-fu Chen
Since: January 2005
To: June 2012
Prof. Yong Chen
Since: January 1988
To: December 2004
Prof. Xinling Qin
Since: January 1979
To: December 1987
Russian Academy of Sciences, RussiaDr. Yury Vinogradov
Since: October 2018
Dr. Aleksey Malovichko
To: September 2018
Dr. Oleg Starovoit
Since: July 1996
Prof. Nadezhda Kondorskaya
To: July 1996
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), JapanDr. Shin'ya Tsukada
Since: April 2022
Mr. Masaki Nakamura
Since: April 2020
To: March 2022
Dr. Koji Nakamura
Since: April 2019
To: March 2020
Dr. Gen Aoki
Since: April 2017
To: March 2019
Dr. Tetsuo Hashimoto
To: March 2017
Dr. Akio Yoshida
Since: January 1998
To: January 2003
Dr. Shigeji Suyehiro

National Centre for Seismology, Ministry of Earth Sciences of IndiaDr. B.K. Bansal
Since: July 2019
Dr. Vineet Gahalaut
Since: January 2015
To: July 2019
Dr. R.S. Dattatrayam
To: January 2015

Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, GermanyDr. Lars Ceranna
Since: September 2019
Dr. Cristian Boennemann
To: September 2019
Institute National des Sciences de l'Univers, FranceDr. Martin Vallée
Since: January 2023
Dr. Francois Beauducel
Since: January 2019
To: January 2023
Dr. Bertrand Delouis
Since: May 2013
To: January 2019
Dr. Georges Poupinet
The Geological Survey of CanadaDr. John Adams
Since: August 1997
Dr. Peter Basham
Since: January 1987
To: August 1997
Dr. Michael Berry
Since: January 1976
To: January 1987
Dr. Kenneth Whitham
Since: January 1975
To: January 1976
Dr. John Hodgson
To: January 1975

Geoscience AustraliaNULL Adrienne Moseley
Since: March 2016
Dr. Mark Leonard
Since: November 2011
To: March 2016
Dr. David Denham
Since: January 1990
Dr. Anton Hales
Since: January 1964
To: December 1989

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, ItalyDr. Diana Latorre
Since: March 2024
Dr. Lucia Margheriti
Since: November 2018
To: February 2024
Dr. Andrea Morelli
To: November 2018

Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, JapanProf. Hiroshi Tsuruoka
Since: April 2024
Prof. Kenji Satake
Since: May 2009
To: March 2024
GNS Science, New ZealandMr. Jerome Salichon
Since: October 2016
Dr. Kevin Fenaughty
To: October 2016
Instituto Geografico Nacional, Spain Juan Vicente Cantavella Nadal
Since: January 2022

Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique/CEA, France
Stiftelsen NORSAR, NorwayDr Johannes Schweitzer
Since: March 2007
Dr. Hilmar Bungum
Since: January 1980
To: March 2007
The University of Bergen, NorwayProf. Lars OttemollerProf. Jens Havskov

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), JapanDr. Seiji Tsuboi
Since: January 2009

Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research, AustriaDipl.-Ing. Helmut Hausmann
Since: June 2024
Ms. Yan Jia
Since: May 2019
To: May 2024
Dr. Wolfgang Lenhardt
Since: January 2010
To: May 2019
Dr. Gerald Duma
Since: January 2005
To: December 2009
Prof. Dr. Peter Steinhauser
Since: January 1992
To: January 2004
Dr. Julius Drimmel
Since: January 1977
To: January 1991
Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Steinhauser
Since: January 1975
To: January 1976
The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), NetherlandsDr. Laslo Evers
The Swiss Academy of Sciences, SwitzerlandProf. Stefan Wiemer

British Geological Survey, United KingdomDr. Brian Baptie
Since: January 2004
Dr. Alice Walker
Since: January 1999
To: December 2003
Council for Geoscience, South AfricaDr. Michelle Grobbelaar
Since: January 2013
Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), TurkeyDr. Murat Nurlu
Since: January 2018
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, GermanyDr. Joachim Saul
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), DenmarkDr. Peter Voss
Since: November 2009
Dr. Søren Gregersen
To: November 2009
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, U.S.A.Dr. Jerry A. Carter
Since: February 2019
Dr. Tim Ahern
To: February 2019
Dr. Ray Willemann
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, PortugalDr. Fernando Carrilho
National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), IndiaDr. D. Srinagesh
Since: March 2020
The University of Helsinki, FinlandDr. Matt Gardine
Since: January 2024
Dr. Timo Tiira
Since: May 2021
To: December 2023
Dr. Marja Uski
Since: January 2018
To: May 2021
Dr. Annakaisa Korja
Since: January 2015
To: December 2017
Dr. Pekka Heikkinen
To: December 2014
Uppsala Universitet, SwedenDr. Bjorn Lund
Since: January 2018
Dr. Reynir Bodvarsson
To: December 2017

National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S.A.Dr. Paul Earle
Since: June 2018
Dr. Bruce Presgrave
To: June 2018

Alaska Earthquake Center (AEC), University of Alaska Fairbanks, U.S.A.Dr. Carl Tape
Since: February 2020
AWE Blacknest, United KingdomDr. Hal Thirlaway
Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), BelgiumDr. Kris Vanneste
Since: February 2021
Dr. Thierry Camelbeeck
To: February 2021
Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI), the University of Memphis, U.S.A.
Centre de Recherche en Astronomie, Astrophysique et Géophysique (CRAAG), AlgeriaDr. Hamoud Beldjoudi
Since: March 2023
Dr. Karim Yelles
Since: January 2004
To: March 2023
Centre of Geophysical Monitoring (CGM) of the National Academy of Sciences of BelarusProf. Arkady Aronov
Since: January 2011
Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), MexicoDr. Héctor González Huizar
Since: January 2021
Dr. J. Antonio Vidal-Villegas
Since: October 2016
To: May 2021
Centro Sismologico Nacional, Universidad de ChileDr. Sergio Barrientos
Since: April 1995
Dr. Edgar Kausel
Since: January 1981
To: January 1989
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, IrelandDr. Martin Mollhoff
Since: January 2019
Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS), an autonomous Institute of Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeAsst. Prof Shengji Wei
Since: September 2019

Since: January 2016
To: September 2019
Environmental Agency of Slovenia Tamara Jesenko
Since: August 2023
Dr. Mladen Zivcic
To: July 2023
Geological Survey Department, CyprusMr Christodoulos Hadjigeorgiou
Since: January 2021
Dr. Kostas Konstantinou
To: December 2020
Geological Survey of IsraelDr. Nadav Wetzler
Since: January 2020
Geophysics, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, AustraliaProf. Hrvoje Tkalcic
Since: October 2023
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC), SpainDr. Josep Batllo
Since: July 2017
Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science (EPSS), Hungarian Research Network (ELKH), HungaryMr Mate Timko
Since: April 2021
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Chinese TaipeiDr. Bor-Shouh Huang
Institute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech RepublicDr. Jaroslava Plomerova
Since: January 1994
Dr. Jiří Vaněk
Since: January 1981
To: January 1994
Dr. Vit Karnik
Since: January 1978
To: July 1981
Prof. Alois Zátopek
Since: May 1974
Institute of Geophysics, National University of MexicoDr. Xyoli Perez-Campos
Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, PolandDr. Lukasz Rudzinski
Since: September 2020
Prof. Stanislaw Lasocki
To: August 2020
Institute of Geosciences, Polytechnic University of Tirana, AlbaniaDr. Edmond Dushi
Since: August 2024
Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), SpainDr. Antonio Villaseñor
Since: June 2021
Institute of Radiological and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), joint authority of the Ministries of Defense, the Environment, Industry, Research, and Health, FranceDr. Aurore Laurendeau
Since: October 2021
Dr. Christophe Clement
Since: March 2020
To: September 2021
Iraqi Meteorological Organization and Seismology, IraqDr. Salman Saddam Jasim
Since: July 2024
Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, ItalyDr. Paolo Comelli
Since: February 2023
Prof. Dr. Stefano Parolai
Since: September 2017
To: January 2023
Dr. Marco Mucciarelli
Since: January 2016
To: November 2016
Dr. Dario Slejko
To: December 2015
Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, TurkeyProf. Dr. Haluk Özener
Since: July 2018

Since: December 2015
To: June 2018
Korean Meterological Administration, Republic of KoreaMr. Namchul (Gilbert) Woo
Since: December 2018
Dr. Jun-Hee Lee
To: December 2018
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Climate School, Columbia University, U.S.A.Prof. Goran Ekstrom
Since: January 2023
National Defence Research Establishment (FOI), SwedenDr. Henrik Olsson
Since: May 2024

Since: September 2020
To: April 2024
Dr. Ola Dahlman
National Institute for Earth Physics, RomaniaMs. Andreea Chircea
Since: January 2023
Dr. Mihaela Popa
To: January 2023
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography (NIGGG), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BulgariaProf. Dimcho Solakov
Since: April 2019
National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), JapanDr. Masaki Kanao
Since: January 2014
National Research Institute for Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Cairo, EgyptDr. Sherif Mohamed El-Hady
Since: March 2021
Prof. Gad El-Qadi
Since: January 2019
To: February 2021
Dr. Abd el-aziz Khairy
Since: November 2018
To: February 2021
Observatorio Nacional, BrazilDr. Sergio Fontes
Since: September 2019
Red Sísmica de Puerto RicoDr. Victor Huerfano
Since: February 2010
Dr. Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade
Since: January 2009
To: January 2010
Seismological Observatory, Institute of Geosciences, University of Brasilia, BrazilProf. Dr. George Sand Franca
Since: October 2016
Soreq Nuclear Research Centre (SNRC), IsraelDr. Yael Radzyner
Since: March 2018
Dr. Yohai Ben Horin
To: March 2018
Texas Seismological Network (TexNet), Bureau of Economic Geology, J.A. and K.G. Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.Dr. Alexandros Savvaidis
Since: November 2019
The Icelandic Meteorological Office, Iceland
The Seismological Institute, National Observatory of Athens, GreeceDr. Olga-Joan Ktenidou
Since: May 2020
Universidade de São Paulo, Centro de Sismologia, BrazilDr. Marcelo Assumpcao
Since: June 2015
University of the West Indies at Mona, JamaicaDr. Donovan Campbell
Since: September 2019
University of Utah Seismograph Stations (UUSS), U.S.A.Dr. Keith Koper
Since: January 2020