Recent Sumissions

DateNameTitle / DescriptionDOI

2024-09-13Felix J. HalpaapEarthquake catalogue of the 2020-2022 Bitdalsvatn (Norway) seismic swarm10.31905/6V0YYDFA
ViewCatalogue containing high-resolution hypocentres, arrival times, and magnitudes.

2024-08-06Marina Yurievna AndreevaСatalog of earthquakes in the Kuril-Kamchatka zone for the period from 1737 to June 202410.31905/34G3QUFE
ViewThe catalogue of earthquakes was created based on the catalog of the Kuril-Kamchatka region (1737-2009) [Andreeva M.Yu., Kim Ch.U. Earthquakes of the Kuril-Kamchatka region (1737–2009). Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: IMGiG FEB RAS, 2012. 384 pp.], supplemented with seismological data from the Bulletin of the International Seismological Center from 2000 to June 2024. The catalogue consists of 44852 events with magnitudes mb.

2024-06-04Gregor RajhLocal earthquake tomography dataset for the NW Dinarides area10.31905/QXHASFQN
ViewThe NW Dinarides area lies in the northeastern corner of the Adriatic microplate. Taking advantage of the greatly increased amount of data due to the modernization of the Slovenian seismological network and the temporary deployments within the AlpArray project, we performed 3-D simultaneous hypocenter–velocity inversions with routinely picked arrival times of P- and S-waves from 502 local earthquakes. The resolution analysis showed that the resulting 3-D P-velocity and vP/vS model could be successfully recovered at least up to a depth of 15 km. The final 3-D models show two distinct velocity anomalies with a narrow transition zone in between.

2024-05-17Gonzalo A. FernandezUnveiling midcrustal seismic activity at the front of the bolivian altiplano, Cochabamba region.10.31905/CBEE1FOR
ViewThe seismic catalog presented in ISF format herein is the culmination of six months of continuous seismic monitoring conducted in the Cochabamba department. This endeavor falls within the scope of the temporary project titled "Vigilancia de la sismicidad y micro sismicidad del Oroclino Boliviano" (POB). As part of this initiative, a network comprising eleven seismic stations was established in the Cochabamba department through collaboration with the "Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique - Département analyse, surveillance, environnement" (CEA-DASE), "Université Côte-d'Azur – GeoAzur," and the "Gobernación de Cochabamba." The primary objective of this project is to document mid-crustal microseismicity occurring within the Main Thrust fault shear zone and its associated hangingwall. These investigations are conducted within a region affected by tectonic slivers and transverse faults, which have a significant impact on the sedimentary cover. The findings obtained from this study offer valuable insights into the seismogenic behavior of the fault system and its potential implications across the Bolivian orocline.

2024-02-29Alexey Nikolaevich MorozovEarthquake catalog of the continent-ocean transition zone in the Eurasian Arctic for the period from October 2011 to November 202010.31905/C6BQDUO5
ViewThe catalog was created based on data from seismic stations of the AH network (DOI:

2024-02-06Alexey Nikolaevich MorozovEarthquake catalog (refined and unified) of the western sector of the Russian Arctic for the period from 1908 to 202010.31905/B1KW6G88
ViewThis catalog is the result of many years of research on recalculation of earthquake parameters within the western sector of the Russian Arctic for the period from 1908 to 2020. The catalog includes data on recent seismicity in areas previously unavailable for detailed seismic monitoring. You can read more about this research here:

2024-01-09Josep BatllóCatalogue of instrumentally recorded seismicity of Portugal (1900-1960)10.31905/CG8D1MFQ
ViewCompilation of the instrumentally recorded earthquakes in the zone 30-45N/39-06W (Portugal)

2023-11-20Lauren WaszekPKP precursors: implications for global scatterers10.31905/3MDJ3VLQ
ViewThis dataset contains measurements of PKP precursors in individual and stacked data, and estimated scatterer locations, as published in Waszek, Deuss, and Thomas. PKP precursors: implications for global scatterers. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(10), 3829-3838, 2015.

2023-10-24Iason GrigoratosA homogenized instrumental earthquake catalog around the Dead Sea Transform Fault Zone10.31905/UQUUGRGH
ViewUnified earthquake catalog in moment magnitude around the DSTFZ (27N-36N, 31E-39E), from 1900 to 2017, including small-magnitude events. New conversion relations were derived.

2023-10-11Ben DyerMicroseismic event catalogues from the well 16A(78)-32 stimulation in April, 2022 in Utah FORGE.10.31905/52CC4QZB
ViewThis dataset includes three microseismic event catalogues from the three stages of the stimulation in April 2022 of the well 16A(78)-32 derived by Geo Energie Suisse. Each spreadsheet contains source times, xy location, depth, and seismic moment magnitude. An animation of the order in which the sequence evolved is provided with respect to wells 16A(78)-32 and the later drilled well 16B-32. These catalogues are an update of the preliminary versions in doi:10.15121/1879450

2023-10-03Natalya V. KostylevaCatalog of industrial explosions in the coal mining area on Sakhalin Island (Russia) for 2019-2022.10.31905/PCCATGI2
ViewThe catalog of industrial explosions in the active coal mining area on Sakhalin Island (Russia) is based on data from seismological stations of the Sakhalin branch of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The catalog consists of 852 events with magnitudes (ML) from 0.3 to 2.8.

2023-09-15Emile A. OkalEnergy-to-moment parameter (THETA) for intermediate and deep earthquakes10.31905/NC8ODOAJ
ViewDataset listing energy-to-moment parameter (THETA) for intermediate and deep earthquakes.

2023-08-01Eric A. BergmanGlobal Catalog of Calibrated Earthquake Locations10.31905/MFDY4QHD
ViewA catalog of earthquakes and nuclear explosions with calibrated hypocenters and a groomed set of associated arrival time data, determined using a multiple event relocation algorithm specifically adapted for calibrated relocations of clusters of seismic events. Hypocenters are minimally biased by unknown Earth structure and uncertainties are based on data variances determined from the data itself. Epicentral uncertainties typically range from 1-5 km with a 90% confidence interval. Most events have a depth constraint from one or more sources, usually with an uncertainty of 5 km or less. The dataset contains 21,093 earthquakes in 316 globally distributed clusters.

2023-04-19Martin ZeckraEarthquake catalog of a temporary seismic network in NW Argentine Andean Foreland (FDSN code: 2S (2016-2017))10.31905/YTIR1IED
ViewThis earthquake catalog contains the semi-automatically derived earthquake detections, picks, locations, magnitudes and for high quality events a focal mechanism and a double-difference relocation. All picks have been revised manually. The catalog is mostly limited to local crustal earthquakes. The temporary network run for 15 months and consisted of 13 stations.

2023-04-19Daniel E WellsMagna NonLinLoc-SSST-coherence Locations and Focal Mechanisms10.31905/Z1B2CER3
ViewThis is the catalog of event locations and focal mechanisms as described in Wells et al., 2023

2023-03-29Alexey Nikolaevich MorozovEarthquake catalog of the Gakkel mid-ocean ridge (Arctic Ocean) according to the data of the Arkhangelsk seismic network (AH code) for the period from 2013 to 202210.31905/SMUPNWEP
ViewThe earthquake catalog is based on data from the seismic stations of the AN network operating in the Arctic archipelagos of Franz Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya. Earthquake parameters were obtained on the basis of the regional velocity model NOES_hybrid (included in the dataset). The local magnitude scale ML was refined for the western part of the Eurasian Arctic: –lg A0(R)=1.5⋅lg(R/100)+0.0001(R–100)+3.0. The catalog consists of 1225 earthquakes with magnitudes ML from 2.0 to 5.2.

2023-03-29Ioannis FountoulakisRelocated catalog of the 2020 Samos earthquake aftershock sequence (eastern Aegean Sea).10.31905/SK7LCETI
ViewA high-precision relocated catalog of the 2020 Samos earthquake aftershock sequence.

2023-03-14Joanna M. HolmgrenThe southern East African Rift System (EARS) relocated earthquake catalogue and ground-motion database10.31905/4GGVBFBE
ViewThis southern EARS depository contains a relocated earthquake catalogue and ground-motion table of 882 events spanning 1994 to 2022 with available time-series records within epicentral distances of 300 km. Additionally, the dataset includes a directory with the 10,725 instrument-corrected time series records used in the database, along with P- and S-wave phase arrivals for each record. The ground-motion database consists of two flatfiles: one file containing the 5% damped pseudo-spectral acceleration (PSA), peak ground acceleration (PGA) and velocity (PGV) ground-motion intensity measures for the horizontal components, and one file containing the Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) metrics for the horizontal components.

2023-02-15Siegfried WendtRayleigh wave travel times measured at Collm Geophysical Observatory, Germany, between 2006 and 201910.31905/PHFO64PS
ViewOver 13.000 measurements of surface waves from global seismic events between 2006 and 2019 recorded at the Collm Geophysical Observatory, Germany (P/PKP travel times, Rmax-P/PKP times, periods and amplitudes).

2023-02-13Guust NoletSummary ray ISC-EHB data10.31905/MPPIDWHM
ViewGeographically balanced arrival times by summing rays into corridors as described by Nolet (2023 -submitted to GJI).

2022-12-14Daniel R.H. O'ConnellThe Seismic Record Supplement to “Hosgri Fault Transpressional Slip Rates Reproduce Observed Central California Coast Uplift Rates”10.31905/8IPR1PJD
ViewThese files document source modeling of the near-shore Hosgri fault along the central California coast using onshore marine strath terrace uplift data to constrain reverse-component slip rates on the Hosgri fault. It serves as a supplement to the submitted manuscript to The Seismic Record titled "Hosgri Fault Transpressional Slip Rates Reproduce Observed Central California Coast Uplift Rates" by Daniel O’Connell,, and Jamey Turner, The pdf file text_and_figure_supplement_to_tsr_hosgri_OConnell_and_Turner.pdf documents the five data files provided as well as explaining how these input and output files were derived using text and figures contained within the pdf file.

2022-12-02S. GodeyEuro-Med Bulletin10.31905/EC1TT8WX
ViewThis catalog contains the Euro-Mediterranean natural seismicity between 1998-2012 compiled by the EMSC.

2022-09-14Domenico Di GiacomoBCIS dataset for events with no data in the ISS for 1950-196310.31905/1KEW73S1
ViewDataset listing station arrival times in BCIS bulletins for events that have no data in the ISS (1950-1963)

2022-07-05Martin ZeckraMoment tensor solution for the 2021 San Juan M6.4 earthquake based on joint inversion of full waveforms and GNSS static displacements.10.31905/K3J1V6RM
ViewResults of a joint inversion of full-waveforms and GNSS static displacements for the 2021 Mw6.4 earthquake in San Juan, Argentina.

2022-05-19Domenico Di GiacomoSummaries of contributions of direct Mw in the ISC-GEM Catalogue from selected authors10.31905/D5F339NL
ViewBibliographic records and corresponding earthquake parameters in the ISC-GEM Catalogue, Version 9, for selected authors contributing with direct Mw

2022-04-05Václav VavryčukWEBNET moment tensor catalogue 2008-201810.31905/H212Z6OX
ViewCatalogue of full moment tensors of earthquakes in 2008-2018 with ML between 0.5 and 4.4 occurring in West Bohemia, CZ.

2022-01-21Johannes SchweitzerEURARC – a bulletin for the European Arctic 1990 – 201310.31905/TYLLQY8T
ViewThe depository contains the seismic bulletin for the European Arctic for the years 1990 - 2013.

2021-09-09Lauren WaszekMeasurements of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities from global SS and PP precursors10.31905/7M3LMG8X
ViewThis dataset contains measurements of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities from global datasets of SS and PP, a list of the data used, thermal model calculated for a mechanical mixture of 20% basalt and 80% harzburgite, and velocity and attenuation tables for all thermochemical models.

2021-09-08Johannes SchweitzerPcP-P(n), ScP-P(n) and ScP-PcP Travel-Time Differences for Global Model Evaluation10.31905/KX83NSDC
ViewThe depository contains travel-time differences between PcP, ScP and P (or Pn) onsets recorded in 1991-1996.

2021-08-16Margaret E. GlasgowRaton Basin 2016-2020 earthquake catalog10.31905/127XP53R
ViewRaton Basin earthquake catalog with ~38,000 events from July 2016 to July 2020. For more details see Glasgow et al., 2021.